The air we breathe is of the utmost importance. Study after study shows a correlation between clean air, improved performance, general health and wellbeing.
Envirotec specialises in improving air quality, offering air curtains, air handling units, destratification units and a wide range of refurbishment solutions.
Installed in 100,000+
locations of all sizes
Chair of the FETA group for Air Curtains
We design, custom build and supply air improvements systems (air curtains, air handling units and destratification units) to the retail, financial, manufacturing, education, transport, leisure and luxury residential sectors, supported by a comprehensive refurbishment service.
We deliver innovative, tailor made solutions
Improving air quality for some of the most well-known brands
We are industry leaders and innovation is at the heart of our business. From performance surveys to project management, maintenance to refurbishment, our team of passionate people offer fresh thinking and years’ of experience.
Whether you require a simple over-door heater, an airscreen for your office, or an air handling unit for your restaurant, Envirotec’s wide range of air barriers, commercial air curtains, and air handling equipment will ensure effective air management.
Speak to one of our team: 01494 525 342
Case Studies
Everything we do is designed and made in Great Britain. Over 50 years of invention, flair and innovation, makes Envirotec the best place to come for advice, products and services to improve the air in buildings. We listen to our clients who tell us the reason they come to us is because we deliver innovative, tailor made solutions.
Make a statement with our vertical air curtain
Vertical air curtain units give a different look and feel to an entrance. Envirotec make bold and sentry like units that give a feeling of security that an above the door unit cannot match, Envirotec also make subtle concealed units so all that is visible is the discharge supply slot or grille.
We proudly work with the most recognised brands across the UK
Regardless of the size of your building Envirotec can deliver the right solution for you.
We work within all sectors such as: Health; Banks; Public Sector; Education; Leisure; Retail; Travel; Hospitality; Manufacturing; Pharmaceutical; Warehousing; Security; Data Centres.
Making the right choices
Why indoor air quality matters?
Do we tolerate dirty air laden with viruses, particles, and grime in our offices and shopping establishments? We can, however, do something. We can improve the well-being of building inhabitants by ensuring that high-quality air is always delivered.
Because air quality is so crucial to our health, we should do everything in our power to ensure that it is of the highest possible quality.
For over 50 years, Envirotec products have improved air quality in thousands of buildings, allowing us to provide advice and tools to improve air quality and considerably reduce viruses. It demands knowledge, equipment investment, good housekeeping, and routine maintenance.
Over 50-years of research
Leaders in energy saving designs
Installed in 10,000+ locations
Clean air for all clients
We spend an average of 90% of our time inside buildings
Air Curtain and Air Handling FAQs
We offer a wide range of commercial and industrial air handling solutions that can be split into the following three categories:
Air Curtains
Air Curtains that help maintain air quality and reduce the overall cost of heating and cooling your building.
Air Handling Units
Air handling units designed and custom built to be energy and space efficient.
Refurbishment is often more cost-effective than full replacement with less disruption & downtime.
Yes, we offer refurbishment services on our own and third-party products. Learn more about our air handling refurbishment services and let us help you save money and the environment by refurbishing your existing air handling units.
“Everything about Envirotec – their people, their solutions, their approach and of course, the savings they deliver – helps you, as a client, breathe more easily!” – Martyn Jackson – Rossair
The cost to replace the air handling units would have been £500K versus a refurbishment cost of £130K, saving a total of £370K!